The distinctive assets of Scotland's higher education sector
An updated report reveals the distinctive assets of Scotland's higher education sector. ©

Queen Margeret University. Thanks to Universities Scotland.

In recognition of the changing global context for higher education, and to demonstrate how the sector in Scotland has responded, British Council Scotland commissioned an update to the significant 2013 report A strategic analysis of the Scottish higher education sector’s distinctive assets.

Compiled and authored by international higher education specialists, Dr Neil Kemp and Dr William Lawton, the update provides a fresh analysis of the distinctive assets of Scotland’s higher education sector. The 2013 report was the first of its kind to tell the full story of the distinctive contribution of Scotland’s HE Sector both within the UK and internationally, and the update again outlines how and in what ways Scotland’s higher education system is unique.

The report outlines five key distinctive assets of the higher education sector in Scotland. It shows the sector is integrated, inclusive, highly internationalised and is defined by a focus on the public good, combined with world-leading teaching and research output. It reveals some of the innovations that have taken place in the last seven years: in student-centred policy development, research innovation and in collaboration with business and the public sector to ensure high rates of graduate employability.

The analysis, together with some fascinating case studies provide a unique snapshot of a world-class higher education system and will again provide a useful tool to support international collaboration. 


Download the report below to find out more about the five distinctive assets of Scotland’s higher education system.