We are seeking individuals with senior-level experience in arts or education to join our Scotland Advisory Committee (SAC), to contribute in a non-executive capacity and help inform how British Council Scotland’s vision and strategy are developed.


Salary Unremunerated. Reasonable UK travel and expenses reimbursed.
Duration Three Year Term
Closing date Sunday 21 April 2024

Role overview

Activities might include:

  • Attending briefings/meetings on the British Council strategy and policy with discussion on implications in Scotland
  • Receiving and responding to updates on British Council global and Scotland projects at meetings (normally 3 per year – meetings generally focus on different themes or sector of work) and discussing the relevance of these projects to Scotland
  • Reading and preparation in advance for SAC meetings
  • Discussion on research into British Council engagement in Scotland and across the UK
  • Advising on the relationship management of strategic partners in Scotland
  • Providing, on an ad hoc basis and as requested, advice between meetings to Director and/or other managers in the British Council Scotland on strategy or project development
  • Participating, on an ad hoc basis and as requested, in meetings with strategic partners and/or staff
  • Attending, if requested and when able, flagship conferences, consultation events, media briefings or project launches.

About us

The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities.  We support peace and prosperity by building connections, understanding and trust between people in the UK and countries worldwide.

To help us with the quality and independence of our thinking, we draw on the expert advice of both our sector advisory groups and our three UK country advisory committees. 

British Council Scotland works to support peace and prosperity by building connections, understanding and trust between people in the Scotland and countries worldwide, primarily in education and the arts. Overseas, the demand for what the British Council does remains strong – evidence suggests that the world wants more of Scotland and the rest of the UK: more access to its world class education systems, more partnerships with its leading research teams, more interaction with its unique and constantly evolving cultural offer. The connections the British Council Scotland has into those sectors and our strong relationships with the UK and Scottish Governments mean we are uniquely well-placed to support the internationalisation ambitions of the sectors we work in, and to help them deliver internationally in, with and for Scotland and across all the four nations. We have had an office in Scotland since 1947.

Our equality diversity and inclusion commitment

The British Council is committed to policies and practices of equality, diversity, and inclusion across everything we do.  We are actively working to improve diversity across all our governance structures, including our advisory committees, so that they reflect the societies in which we work. We support all staff to make sure their behaviour is consistent with this commitment.

We want to address under-representation and we encourage applicants from under-represented groups - particularly but not exclusively, on grounds of ethnicity and disability. All disabled applicants who meet the essential criteria are guaranteed an interview and we have Disability Confident Employer status. We welcome discussions about specific requirements or adjustments to enable participation and engagement in our work and activities.

Terms and conditions

Members are appointed for a three-year period, renewable for a second three-year term. The role is not remunerated but reasonable UK travel and expenses will be reimbursed at standard British Council rates. Candidates must have the right to work in the UK.

For the person specification and further details about this post, download the Role Profile document below:

How to apply

If you are interested in the post and feel that you are suitable for the role, then we would really like to hear from you. Please apply by sending a copy of your CV and a cover letter to Director Scotland and Secretary to the Scotland Advisory Committee, Peter Brown (peter.brown@britishcouncil.org ) by Sunday, 21st April 23:59pm.