Re-Imagine is a five-year (2013-2018) arts and culture initiative to build new creative connections in new ways between the people of the UK and India. It builds on the British Council’s research and dialogue project, exploring the relationship between the UK and India afresh. Re-Imagine is focused on five programme strands: Showcasing, Creative collaborations, Skills development, Arts education and, Research and Insight.
Re-Imagine provides an exciting opportunity to raise the profile of the UK in India with Scotland as a distinctive part. Creative Scotland is working in partnership with the British Council Scotland to expand some of these initiatives. This joint working is embedded in a wider partnership which Creative Scotland and British Council Scotland have been developing over the past 3 years around shared interests and co-investment to better support the cultural sector in Scotland to explore international working.
Through the partnership we are aiming to catalyse relationships which can take a long-term approach and provide a framework which seek to build on existing collaborations, providing scope for new opportunities between Scottish and Indian artists, arts professionals and arts organisations; where collaborations can flourish and sustainable networks are formed.
We proposed a scoping visit to India brought producers and facilitators from the performing arts sector to refresh and foster existing and new connections between Scotland and India.
The delegation was formed of 8 Scottish delegates and the visit took place from 2-9 November 2015.
We are interested in ideas and projects that are, or have potential to be, jointly and equally developed with artists from each country, based on shared values and mutuality. This visit was supported by the British Council Arts teams in Scotland and India, and by Creative Scotland. Creative Scotland’s underlying interest is for collaborations between India and Scotland to have potential to develop and expand the practice of both established and emerging artists and organisations in both countries.