Purpose of the visit
Creative Scotland and British Council are organising a scoping visit to Japan/TPAM - Performing Arts Meeting Yokohama (and the Yokohama Dance Collection) bringing producers and facilitators from the performing arts sector to refresh and foster existing and new connections between Scotland and Japan. The delegation will be formed of up to 8 Scottish delegates and the visit will take place from 11th to 19th February 2017 (travel dates will be confirmed in the offer letter).
The Partnership between British Council and Creative Scotland aims to catalyse relationships which can take a long-term approach and provide a framework seeking to build on existing collaborations, providing scope for new opportunities between Scottish and Japanese artists, arts professionals and arts organisations; where collaborations can flourish and sustainable networks are formed.
This opportunity is available for performing arts producers and facilitators based across Scotland. Amongst the delegation, we aim to ensure a mix of people, some of whom may have existing links and some with no previous connections in Japan to allow for sharing of knowledge and experience.
We are interested in ideas and projects that are, or have potential to be, jointly and equally developed with artists from each country, based on shared values and mutuality. This visit will be supported by the British Council Arts teams in Scotland and Japan and by Creative Scotland. Creative Scotland’s underlying interest is for collaborations between Japan and Scotland to have potential to develop and expand the practice of both established and emerging artists and organisations in both countries.
We are looking for candidates with a focus on one or more of the following themes:
- Diversity and inclusion
- Ageing society
- Digital contemporary performance
PLEASE NOTE: There will be opportunities outside of those three areas, if applicants give a clear rationale for potential collaborations.
This is a professional development opportunity to see a wide range of work from over 50 countries, to experience a performing arts platform in Japan, to network with professionals (artists, festival directors, venue and company managers, facilitators and presenters) from both Japan and across the East Asian Region who will be attending TPAM 2017 and Yokohama Dance Collection; to participate in the extensive talks, and networking programme and to be advocates for Scotland’s vibrant performing arts scene.
The trip will include:
- Attendance at shows, as well as professional and networking events (TPAM and Yokohama Dance Collection)
- Group and individual meetings with potential partners at TPAM;
- Information sharing (note: this might include presentations by the delegates)
British Council Japan and Creative Scotland will cover international flights from / to Edinburgh, accommodation costs and domestic transport in Japan. Delegates will be expected to cover daily subsistence, incidental travel expenses, optional entertainment, and visa costs*.
* A visa should not be required for UK or Irish passport holders who wish to enter Japan for a period of six months or less, in the context of this visit. Please double-check this this information directly with the Consulate General of Japan in Edinburgh.
How to apply?
Expressions of interest should be submitted by email as a PDF no larger than 5MB (or alternatively send via WeTransfer).
Please include:
- A short biography
- An outline of the reasons why you would find this trip valuable
- In what way this trip would support the development of your practice and /or your organisation’s objectives
- Any specific outcomes that you would hope to achieve from taking part in this trip
- Any anticipated benefits to the sector in Scotland and for (potential) partners in Japan
- Any existing relationships or projects with Japan
- Confirmation of applicant’s availability 11th – 19th February 2017
Please submit the expression of interest to isabel.mouramendes@britishcouncil.org by close of play on Friday, 30 December 2016. Applications will be jointly assessed by British Council and Creative Scotland and successful delegates will be informed on week commencing Monday, 9 January 2017. We plan to book flights ASAP so successful delegates will need to provide passport details, a photograph of themselves, any dietary requirements and any additional needs shortly after being selected. Delegates will also be expected to attend a pre-departure briefing in Edinburgh in the lead-up to the visit: date TBC.
There will be 8 places available and the delegation will be accompanied by Norah Campbell, Head of Arts and Isabel Moura Mendes, Arts Partnership Manager, British Council Scotland and with staff support from Creative Scotland.
Return to Scotland
The delegates will be expected to share the knowledge and experiences gained during the visit with their peers in Scotland and will be expected to write a report by 28 February 2017.