British Council's Culture and Development team are hosting a post-show discussion following Suppliant Women at The Royal Lyceum Theatre in Edinburgh at 7.30pm on Tuesday, 11 October 2016. The discussion will focus on refugee stories in ancient and contemporary culture.
Using The Lyceum’s production as a starting point, the panellists will examine the approach to telling this 2,500 year old story with its striking modern resonance, discussing the artistic and practical choices made to both preserve an ancient dramatic artefact, while also allowing it to speak to a contemporary audience in Edinburgh today. They will consider how this ancient story of refugees, the rights of women and the power and limits of democracy is reflected and refracted in the modern world and how it relates and compares with other refugee narratives, ancient and modern.
- Esa Aldegheri, Chair of City of Sanctuary Edinburgh;
- John Browne, Composer;
- David Greig, Lyceum Artistic Director;
- Alma Salem, independent curator and cultural advisor, with a focus on the Middle East.
The panel will be chaired by Stephen Stenning, Director of Culture and Development, British Council.